Adapted from an AIAA Press Release
February 14, 2024
A&A is excited to announce Professor Mehran Mesbahi’s election to American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Fellow. AIAA reports that they will induct this 2024 class of four new Honorary Fellows and 28 new Fellows at a ceremony later this year.

Mehran Mesbahi
“The Class of 2024 AIAA Honorary Fellows and Fellows are among the most respected names in the aerospace profession. Congratulations to each member of this year’s class for their many accomplishments,” said Laura McGill, AIAA President. “These distinguished individuals have earned the respect and admiration of our broad science and engineering community. We are in awe of their creativity and exceptional contributions to advance the performance and capability of aerospace systems.”
AIAA confers the designation of “Fellow” upon individuals in recognition of their notable and valuable contributions to the arts, sciences or technology of aeronautics and astronautics. Nominees are AIAA Associate Fellows.
“AIAA takes great pride in honoring the Class of 2024 Honorary Fellows and Fellows. These professionals have made significant and lasting contributions to the aerospace community. Their passion and dedication are inspiring the generations that follow to reach even greater heights,” added Dan Dumbacher, AIAA CEO.